Memorial Day Holiday Hours

ReStore will be closed on Monday, July 10th. Visit the ReStore page for more information.


Five Ways to Support Indian River Habitat on Giving Tuesday

As the famous Christmas song goes, it’s the most wonderful time of the year!

The holidays usher in a season of joy and gratitude and best of all, giving. Despite the hardships that filled 2020, the support of our community and the compassion we have shown to one another has allowed for a year of blessings.

On Giving Tuesday, we hope that you join us in this global generosity movement.

Five ways you can support Indian River Habitat! 

1. Make a gift: Some of the best gifts are the ones you can’t wrap and place under the tree. The gift of homeownership is one of them. By making a contribution to Indian River Habitat, you are joining in an effort to help Indian River County families work toward the “American Dream.”

2. Shop the ReStore Sale: The Indian River Habitat ReStore financially supports 1-in-3 new home builds in our county.

3. Donate in kind to the ReStore: Donate a lamp, couch, dining room table, or even a car!

4. Share our mission on social media: One of the best ways to get Indian River Habitat’s mission out there is by word of mouth, or in this case, a social media post! A simple post can reach hundreds of potential supports.

5. Show kindness: Whether you give time, resources, or goods, one of the most important things to give is kindness. Show your neighbor extra love. Do a small act of kindness for a stranger. Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.